I’m pleased to reveal the LIFT List! More than 50 authors are donating e-books, paper backs, swag, and gift cards to raise autism awareness! Check out some of your favorites below!


Each week in April, a new rafflecopter will go live with e-books, signed paper backs, swag packs, gift cards and even audio books from these authors!

And….there is LIFT Wear! This t-shirt is available only until April 13! ORDER yours today!

LIFT tshirt

1. If you are a blogger, and would like to help spread the word, sign up here.
2. If you would like to be notified by email each week when a new rafflecopter goes live so you don’t miss the chance to enter, sign up here.
4. IF YOU ARE A PARENT/GUARDIAN/PRIMARY CAREGIVER for an ASD child or adult! We have a group launching April 1 to bond around our struggles, triumphs and our favorite escape – BOOKS! If you’re looking for a place to build community with other parents on the autism journey, and maybe chat about your fave books and book boyfriends, we hope this will be it! Sign up here to be notified when it goes live.  (for authors and readers alike)

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